Saturday, July 13, 2013

Top Ten Signs Your Embassy is in Trouble

Top Ten Signs Your Embassy’s In Trouble
10)The camels and livestock have left the street like women and kids in an old western.
9)A dump truck drops a crap load of palm sized stones on the pavement      where you just had them picked up yesterday
8)Afternoon prayers for peace and love are over and it’s Kick-Christian/Jewish and all Unbeliever Ass.. time.
7)The locals are smiling today, and they’re changing their sandals for steel -toed running shoes.
6)Two guys named Mo-Mo are toting pole- sized, pointed spits and there are    no BBQs in sight.
5)A dozen beat up pick-up trucks with AK47s mounted in the rear windows are given free parking next door at the Russian and Chinese Embassies.
4) Forty year-old men suddenly have baby bumps and barrel length stiff                    snakes silhouetted down their pajama pants.
3) The Secretary for Foreign Affairs swaps out your Army Seals security for 
3 oblivious grinning Walmart  greeters  in order to not raise suspicion the White House has been using your Embassy letterhead to channel arms to the brotherhood.
2) You think you’re the second last link on the last to know communication chain until you try the White House Hotline.
1) You get CNN to finally track down the President and he says, “Wow!, We have an Embassy in some place called Benghazi?

Ever wonder, how is it, there is always an ample supply of stones right at the feet of Islamic protestors no matter where they are protesting?
I mean you couldn’t find a pebble at the parliament buildings or 24 Sussex. You would need an excavator at Queens Park to find one.  
Yet anywhere, anytime.. in an Islamic Nation there they are… “Oh look, Mo!
Here’s ensome stones we can warm up with before the AK47s and over the shoulder missle launchers".
I mean don’t they have public works to clean them up. They must play havoc on barrier running 80’s vehicles and camel hoofs.
Now pre- oil discovery I know they were standard weapons, but you would think they would be a tradition only brought out for national stoning and caning day.   
But, these guys have got to be good baseball pitcher and quarterback material for pro. scouting. Look at 7 footer, lanky Obama…oops.. Osama.
Oops, pardon my drunken ‘Ted Kennedy’, who probably both get together with Osama at the Kennedy family tub reunions in Hell.
Paul Gordon


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