Saturday, March 21, 2015

GOP 'Conservatives' Could Learn From Black Slaves

GOP ‘Conservatives’ Could Learn if Not Relate From Black Slaves.

Is there anything more rich and edifying in black history than the black Christian culture that grew out of slavery?

Note here that it doesn’t take a Christian to know that wisdom, character, and in many cases, respect are generated directly proportional to suffering.

Christians, like no one else, understand that taking on and offering suffering for love of another can greatly erase doubts of self-worth and more so, accelerate salvation.

Modern culture certainly proves the opposite is true, where there is no real suffering outside of ‘feelings’, and warped narcissist imaginations of fairness to place demand on others of less ‘enlightenment’.

There is a utopia of happiness. It is guarded ln innocence and genuine good intention of thoughtfulness (championed over feeling) constrained in the boundaries of Truth.

MLK appreciated this, going by his most famous quote from Christ. Outside of Truth utopia is like unlimited desire, something actually undesirable to experience.

It’s too bad it appears to take World Wars to actually break up the magnetic self- absorption to evil with so large an objective evil of a target.

If there is one intrinsic facet of existence that black slaves ‘got’ as a Gift that kept them going through their suffering, it was, that though their ‘masters’ may  have owned them physically, their hearts and souls belonged to themselves and were given to, and protected by, Christ, Son of the same God of the Jews and certainly no connection to Mohamed any more than Satan, himself.

Mohamed a blatant anomaly not even being ingratiated to level of an anti-Christ of worldly Marxist characters… just blatantly evil like a modern entertainer worthy of having falsely equated intellectual and moral kudos lain at their feet like Palm Sunday as reward from the populace for celebrity status.

In other words, the Islam of today ostensibly if not factually ‘made good’ over the years of selective memory of history and fact..  creating A Tale of Two Islams and Two Mohammed’s, or no Truth at al. Christians and Jews for all their faults and after intelligent questioning reflection ‘stick’ to their story.

Conservatives within the U.S. Republican Party have let politics with all its strategies for wining at all costs with (apparently) nothing but temporal trophies at stake separate themselves from their hearts, their souls, and everyone’s God and on a secular level, their nation…. having earned the right to be the transcending greatest free nation and leader of the free world.

Unlike the black slaves, conservatives are not ‘forced to physically be’ Republicans… and they are to be even less obligatory of their hearts and souls!

You’ll never soar with eagles having evil lead you by the nose and tramping the flag of Truth (as) beneath you and you will be free… no more.

Whatever Glenn Beck’s motives are, (certainly not to do the Democrats any favors)… if celebrity Reaganites like Rush, Levin and Ingraham for a few, have half the love for their nation as their legendary leader they too should give birth the new party (in tribute and honor of Democracy) and tear down the old.

As for ‘timing’…. when is ‘best’ for the Truth that sets you free? The timing of political strategies of the domain of the world? Or the present never- never promise?

Like the slaves…. sleep at night, and smell the fresh air of the morn in real freedom of a new day and a very necessary new and real conservative party and in God trust.

Paul Gordon 

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