Monday, December 31, 2012

Calling On All Good Parents To Go On Strike Against Public Ed.

Calling On All Good Parents To Go On Strike Against Public Ed.

Conservatives Need To Test The Civil Disobedience Route (so adeptly used by the entrenched liberal establishment over the last six decades) For First Time In North American History

It would be hard to believe there are not enough 'fed-up' parents who would like to wrest control on the education of their children from the liberal establishment.

Granted, it would be more a matter of parents now tied into both having to work to sustain the family finances hard hit on liberal establishment increasing taxes and inflation, having to find alternatives to look after their younger children for the short interim 'change' would require, however the rather short term pain would certainly brighten the future outlook for their children, through real quality in education primarily through dedicated quality non-union teachers in free choice of education.

In other words, the preference of competitive quality in 'private schools', no less opted by the very same political leaders who conspire to play with unions 'against' our family incomes and children's education or Dalton McGuinty's specialty...would be available to all including the poorest citizens and single mothers.

It's not a matter of sorting out what is good and what is bad about the current system. There is nothing good about the current public system, else our leaders would have their own children attending public schools.

Billion dollar public administrations need to be replaced with volunteer boards of directors (probably) but not necessarily made up primarily of parents at 'independent' schools. 'By their fruits' such schools would stand on their worth and would be subject to continuous review.

Good young vocational inspired teachers, most who are left out in the cold right now for double dipping retired teachers, principals and vice principals would have jobs with nothing to fear and only one 'master' to answer to...the working principal or Dean.

Though they would never admit it, I believe even the (always disingenuous) Provincial government now sees the monster they have created and conspired with for years has outgrown their usefulness even to them, and as parents got a good earful and smattering of the unbelievable attitude, and how out of touch with the current fiscal reality parents are facing, one has only had to hear teachers phone in to talk shows, and write into newspapers and on the Internet, during the latest student hijacking crisis and feel the union inspired anger and arrogance for both the government (now borrowing money on future generations for union conspiracy misappropriation of funds needed to be 'borrowed' on futures) and 'uncaring' parents.

I believe the next government would view the advantages of responding to a 'parental strike' of withholding their children from public schools quite favorablyas it would be an 'out' the unions could not actually blame the government for, only the greatest stakeholders in all of this, families' children... not the state's children to be used for exorbitant conspiracies at the whim of unions and government for their mutual benefit.

What parents should 'settle for', (for once) is for nothing less then educational vouchers at least to the amount of individual head counts, public boards of education now receive.

In addition, the Province should be compelled to sell all existing public schools to any new independent private school top bidder so billions of dollars in (overdone) school construction would not simply go to waste but to remain to what they were intended for...educating Ontario families children.

The private schools would take up the upkeep of the facilities with some government grants to offset maintenance costs, which with the simple head voucher would amount to just about the only necessary costs of the government wiping out much of the current bureaucracy and administrations.

The government could not afford all the needs of the Provinces aging population without the massive participation of the private sector in the way of retirement homes and nursing homes. And too, no longer should the government back the one option of unionized public education for all our children.

The current Catholic School Boards are in effect Public Boards with militant anti-catholic unions, and the  Bishops should be helping Catholic children attend private Catholic Schools and don't they know it.

When it comes to your children or anyone's children for that matter why accept socialist government inferior education or take militant union prisoners for their sake when you do have a choice, as Brian Mulroney would say?

And with parents... it really is 'about the children', ours!'

I'm open to helping anyone organize such a venture or to them aiding me.

Paul Gordon

(father of eight homeschooled and private ..through donations.. schooled children)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Message 2012

Christmas Message 2012

Does The Current State of The Nations Not Validate Absolutes?

The best news around Christmas 2012 is the 'validation avalanche' of absolutes... right and wrong.. and the reinforcement of the Truth... and Existence of Christ.

The visceral hatred atheist hedonists spew onto Christians in all arenas, political, judicial, academic, and the media, as perverted and passed on from liberal Marxist establishments as 'talking points' is 'all' that is sought and held in 'truth' of what passes for modern intellectualism.

(i.e., 'religion has killed more people than anything else in the history of the world' when in fact, quite..... quite, the opposite is true.)

From today's homily at Mass, I gained some insight into this hatred phenomena of people, who not being with Christ, actually often come to hate Him and His followers. It's probably the reason God and the Lord's name became so commonly used in vain and in attempt at 'cursing' people by the common people and common workers, especially union and Marxist workers.

Our priest explained that although Christians are not always happy with their circumstances, they do understand their circumstances and in their relationship with God, and in as much, always have an underlying 'JOY'.

For real Christians the (real) understanding and celebration of Christmas is a spiritual 'booster shot' of that underlying joy, and brings it to surface even 'over' temporary circumstances that do in fact make followers like any other human, weep and fret at immediate hardship.

In other words, there is a very real greater good... a greater glory, and in that a safety net of solid sanity to be joyous about, that one is a participant in, whose only membership requirement is a real belief that no one can take away, or any evil can extinguish even under threat of death.

Happiness, no matter your lot or place in society is fleeting. And even what was believed to be happiness today can be as old and as tired tomorrow, as a Hollywood marriage, if constant happiness is what you expect.

Presidents, Prime Ministers, and judges can be more miserable than litter sweepers and no doubt are, with their souls (if not their families souls too,) which they now have to sell to retain their chosen and lusted after prideful positions that are currently laminated to political correctness

Like dispassionate office workers, in a death camp or nurses in a hospital that kills babies one floor below where they help mothers give birth to babies, they feel no moral obligation or ethic, greater than that.

Christians are satisfied as they see it to be with this underlying joy between fleeting bouts of secular and humanist (only) understanding of happiness, while those without Christ and without the joy that can be drawn on from within anytime under any duress, and tapped of the Holy Ghost of that well...are not.

Atheists can't accept anything short of seeking heaven on earth in some kind of perverse artificial perpetually but demonstratively unfulfilled... happiness.The devil leaves them continually wanting, as it were. They won't settle or accept the 'downs' that ultimately befall everyone. They give birth to militant Marxism, and true bully Islam that often uses violence and extortion as a means to their ends and that they alone can be 'happy' and to hell with everyone else, now, including their own families and future generations laiden with their debt.

In our secular Marxist won western nations women need to kill their unborn babies, leave or dissolve their families and go in 'search of themselves', when their only happiness will only be in finding God, morality and strength, and rejecting their weaknesses, and desires the world shaped of, and in, them.

Guilt is not happiness, so atheists and homosexuals won't accept that anything they do is ever wrong or disordered and they won't have society seeing them in such a light, either.

Instead of going to a higher Being for forgiveness and healing, they reject goodness and Christ, and try various ways to denigrate Christianity to wit they have evolved to the present of calling all things Christian, wrong, hateful of, and harmful to, them.

Their 'defense', they contend will only be fulfilled when Christianity is extinguished first from the public forum and then the private house-holds.

The Godless societies, collectives ....liberal establishments, in search of this fountain of youth.... this 'heaven' on earth... this perpetual happiness, that eludes everyone because it doesn't exist, at least, not in the form they have been trained to seek and demand of, rather, than even 'attempting' to rise to the light, burrow further into darkness ever searching, pushing, breaking envelope after envelope of decency and morality, looking for the pot of gold in all that is the daring, profane, ugly, disgusting, and evil, but that was never 'new', refreshing, exhilarating just simply, wisely.... avoided...never until now the twenty first century......ever celebrated, in freedom, humor, song, academia, culture, entertainment drama, or in opinion and 'informative' talk shows.

In the movie, The Greater Glory, the good general (aptly played by Andy Garcia who starts as a retired military atheist secular hero, but is martyred a confessed Catholic), is told that the people he was hired to fight for will be granted return of partial religious freedom in exchange for giving up to the Marxist Mexican dictator, who put an end to Catholic services and had priests killed who would not obey... at his own dictatorship, 'pleasure'.

The mercenary general's great response re-enforces how simple the Truth (and therein the logic) of Christ is.

“Partial Freedoms? Freedom is an 'absolute' by its own definition!”, “We will settle for nothing less”

And so, to what can 'all' today's international, and domestic crisis really be attributed?

Absolutes, or shades of grey? Ironically, this is an absolute question and so is the answer. It has to be one or the other, there is definitive right and definitive wrong or 'nothing is wrong' for just half that equation.

Yet, if nothing is wrong should the world not be full of happiness and love for all parties including first narcissistic parties, that such a state of no wrongs, should take particular favoritism to?

Evil does not exist in a vacuum and neither can goodness. The world is not only the testing ground of this natural and supernatural feature but it is also the separating border in time and eternity of the two polar opposites in all existence.

Nothing should have ever been more apparent throughout the history of the world and if amazingly not than certainly not in the present.

Where the world did to go to Hell so easily was to take the most precious gift of divine granted choice (to do whatever one wants with one's heart, mind and ultimately, soul) and self satisfy oneself first and foremost... tossing responsibility and desire to love or be loved in a truly loving way, silently to the side.

Mothers actually killing their own babies in faddish wholesale manner, when in fact, what could be more loving, (and in the rarest of called on circumstance) more beautiful than a mother giving her own life for her baby, if necessary... not because she has to, but as Christ (who filled in 'all' the pertinent blanks much more eloquently than any man for those with eyes, ears and hearts) put forth, the true beauty of selfless love of 'no greater a love than to lay down one's own life for another'

Christ never had to tell any natural woman this, for all but the most modern day 'liberated and enlightened' woman. A mother would feel this naturally and Christ only validated the loving heart. He validated that a woman need not fear such an act of love that can only be attained in and through the selfless act of love. which would be quick to be rewarded in love and solace over bravery, for no less... than all eternity or one quick step, from a quicker flash of life....for any of us.

With the graying of abortion, what exploded was fear, anger, hate, selfishness, depression and mental illness. 'Death' championed love and life in one fallow swoop. There is no grey 'winner'. Death is clearly the celebrated conquerer of 2012.

With no respect for life, it follows (as in reality) that wives and husbands have no respect for each other or self-respect. To compensate they do as the hedonists and belittle those who do respect life and family.

Marxism is not even considered in the absolutes of Christ because it is stricken from the pages of Truth discernment on the obvious basis of its immorality alone. Money is not taken from people through revolution or extortion and especially not through violence and upheaval.

For those who have two coats, one is not to be 'taken', but willingly given to one... who has none. (Also, from today's homily)

Christ tells everyone to 'give' what they have in excess to those who do not have and to share what they have left with others. What greater absolute for the community good than this, (and neither lost in absolutes) to impart that the 'rich' cannot enter heaven as long as their are poor... also in logic, again... owned by Truth?

'Simple' logic and Truth were entities with God from the beginning and before 'anyone' in academia was even born, never mind, incredulously tried to take credit for.

If you know one plus one equals two.. you also know God from a different and inanimate angle. God's science exists for man to uncover or reveal, not to event or create.

Of course, moral absolutes are often very different from legal absolutes (legal absolutes are always accepted and revered by the Godless because they effected all the bad ones) which are increasingly tied to political interest over absolutes even in plain 'justice'. The more complicated laws have to become to attain the political desire is its greatest sign of how far away from God's simplicity it has had to sail.

When does a 'good law' need a hundred pages of fine print, and legal footnotes?

And people who can't shepherd their own emotions or feelings on natural absolutes and faith, base just such politically correct laws in attempt to turn 'fleeting happiness' to a permanent 'self-righteous activist happiness' which drips of pride and power, by inviting the humanistic to take the place of God and pirate God's domain way offside of Caesar's granted stewardship of the world and it's temporal affairs.

Not in knowledge inspired and enlightened by faith... but in faith alone lies all that is needed for joy. Joy to the World will only come to those who embrace it, not by my or anyone's prayer or wish. And divine given choice as much as it can be led to. ultimately trumps any third party desire or prayer in a world of absolutes.. our best friend and only key to salvation.

Forget the world and truly spiritually celebrate the Truth with Love of Christ, and make merry this Christmas. And have faith, but make no mistake of these perilous times, even western Christians in 'parceled freedoms' are heading for.

The atheists are solidly in charge of former great Christian nations, firmly entrenched in the liberal establishment and they will not let you forget it every single day in the media, in law, in politics, in academia and in 'entertainment' as they have been doing.

Paul Gordon

Blazingcatfur.Blogspot.Com Requests Legal Defense Help

Richard Warman Sues Blazingcatfur For Linking To "Far Right" Mark Steyn

About 18 months ago everybody's favourite Ex-Canadian Human Rights Commission employee Richard Warman launched one of his many, as in very many, SLAPP suits against yours truly for, among other dastardly deeds, linking to the "far-right web site". Sheesh everybody knows Mark Steyn is controversial.

It gets better. I'm also being sued for linking to a web site while specifically referring to "the allegations" against Richard Warman. But what else would you expect from Warman, a man so tone deaf he actually believed he could win the support of both the Canadian Jewish Congress and B'nai Brith to file a hate crime complaint against the Jewish Defense League, who had dared offend him by showing the Geert Wilders film "Fitna".

Warman is also suing for comments made by multiple readers. In one instance for the heinous crime of calling him a "Bully". We all know what this SLAPP suit is really all about. Warman is using every lawfare tactic he can to prevent a discussion in the public interest of Section 13 (1) and the CHRC. A discussion in which he must feature prominently.

Warman is suing me for $500,000.00 Dollars. A ridiculous amount for an equally ridiculous lawsuit. Nonetheless even nuisance suits such as this must be defended against. To date legal fees have run me about 10K. I've covered that from my own pocket. I am now asking for your help. I know times are hard for many of us but if every reader who visited daily were to contribute 5 or 10 dollars then that would go a long way to helping all of us out.

This is your fight too, well except for the lawyer stuff anyway;)

If you like this blog, if you like my efforts then please, if you can, make a small donation via Paypal by hitting the "Feed the Kitty" icon on the sidebar. If you don't "do" the Paypal thing you can do an e-mail internet banking transfer sent to

Or... you may send a cheque by mail made payable to:

“Christopher Ashby in Trust”

Attn: Blazingcatfur defence fund

Suite 1013

8 King Street East

Toronto ON M5C 1B5


Thank you all for your readership and support.

Well Jennifer Lynch of the CHRC stopped by. Didn't make a donation though. Cheapskate.