Thursday, June 5, 2008

Boo Freaking Hoo To Buzz Hargrove's, and All Unions

Boo Freaking Hoo To Buzz Hargrove’s, and All Militant, Auto Unions

Boy, ‘all’ the Marxist Chickens are coming home to roost after fifty years of ‘Come and Get It’ socialism aren’t they?

Marxist medical care, Marxist pension pay outs. Marxism knows best and protects us from ourselves B.S.

You name it…it’s now payback time for all the soul sell out lawyer politicians “Who Cared and Felt Our Pain” and greed over need citizens who kept them in power, because they sounded too good to be true and to pass on.

The Unions, (Marx’s successful evil salesmen into North American common society), reason and mantra for ‘our’ need was, how they improved working conditions and wages.

In fact, working conditions were only the aesthetic halo to be worn by Marxists and don’t think that common citizenry didn’t know there was a cost for all of this.

Working conditions and minimum wages were always in the greater masses control in flourishing capitalist countries because these nations were by and large democracies (Hellooo!). The workers only had to vote for, or run themselves for worker (not union) related causes.

Marxists only way of controlling people was to make themselves look good enough that people would beg them to control them. This was attained by appealing to the natural tendency of people to naturally want to attain something for nothing.

They targeted the richer industrial sectors, especially auto related, and as they say, the rest is history. Then of course they targeted government workers or tax paid workers.

They won their contracts, through intimidation, extortion and under threats and violence. The rich industrial sectors of course had to pass the increased costs always onto the consumer and the governments simply passed their labour costs onto taxpayers.

Buzz and his boys would have it to this day, that it only be legal and financially possible for citizens to be able to buy cars only made by his rich unions if he could.

Fortunately, isolationism only holds up for a (relative historical) short time until the world and the politically immune dollar, laps your local pretend economy and governments are not as stupid as they politically act when it gets down to the real crunch or Buzz and all the Marxist would have their total freedom.

So, what have all these rich unions led us too in 2008 and what was the shallow indifferent economic tornado path of destruction that brought them here.

1) Aside from the natural desire of industry to automate much of its production to increase profit margin through the best cost saving measure of getting rid of Marxist red tape and Marxist union workers all together, where ever possible, thousands and thousands of private sector jobs have left North America to all points… 3rd world.

What industrial giant could handle government red tape, inside Marxist government ‘labour’ departments and Marxist unions and at the same time make a profit acceptable to investors (including investors who made piles of money thanks to special union wages ie, Marxist teachers and their unions.

The non-political dollar is going to export the profit-margin or profit making business to third world and reborn communist nations every time. Give your head a shake people…duh!

China of course, kept the best of both worlds, (only for the present), extreme communism to control, and extreme unbridled capitalism to profit. And they didn’t do it by raising wages every year and looking for new inventive benefit du jour, ‘upums‘, like coverage for real estate lawyer fees.

It’s said that the N.A. Auto Giants are paying out as much (in benefit costs) to retired workers as active workers…. Probably not a far stretch of the truth.

2) The expensive unions not only increased taxes and consumer costs of essential products and services. They gobbled a big slice of the whole economic pie that the modestly paid common citizenry only have access to through inflation.

This is clearly demonstrated in recent times through ‘zero’ interest programs and other schemes.

You may get a so called ’zero’ interest loan on your car, but go for a loan for any other reason and you and every other debtor will be the one paying for the auto sector zero interest to keep Buzz’s Boys afloat, not even counting tax paid bail outs to all CAW, ers including other industries.

Someone pays for grand scale zero interest scams…(hellooo!). The Banks have always had a soft ’paper’ spot for the auto industry making a big chunk of change on most every car loan. Now the

Banks are hardly in the business of ever loosing money so for the auto industry, unions et al, to ’borrow’ this economic piece of the whole economic pie, the banks have found all kinds of ingenious ways, but mostly, by simply raising the borrowing costs of other loans while (they’re betting) and waiting for the auto recession to blow over. Ask your banker, he'll tell you exactly what I'm writing.

Of course, in this general nervous tightening up and shifting of money in the economy the banks are re-thinking and ending of (their actually unexplained and odd) five year plan of mailing out pre-approved loans to everyone with a mail box.

As far as ‘labour groups’ go in all prosperous (shifting) nations, they also have their ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’. So what happened to the Marxist unions that were supposed to have aided all workers and end all have nots?

Well, it seems the majority of workers are vastly underpaid and always have been in comparison to the formerly rich private sector industries and coincidentally the by- far most tax expensive government departments in health care and education, ( Side bar Why would the most union profited group ever, teachers, ever have anything bad, to say more importantly teach about Marxism and unions, never mind relate to the average worker).

Need proof. Go to the government job banks and other job seeking sites and check out the wages, especially the ones offered by a plethora of job pimps, ( the indifferent dollar’s next best tool to automation)… many, breaking down Buzz’s back doors as I write.

Governments have experimented with the job pimps as well and in any case the teacher unions and other government teat arm chair fat cat Marxist philosophers can worry about this.

The government can’t keep the economy rolling without real economic dollars produced privately. Every government worker can only bring back so many cents on the dollar that he costs to keep on accounts payable to that specific government level where he works.

And right now, in Canada, Ontario pays out the most to government workers over-all, not to say the Feds, and Regional governments don’t take anything for their primarily political economic agendas.

Ontario also has the most to lose in industry hits. Giving taxed money free to big union industries has done nothing to date but prolong the inevitable and create industry welfare.

So thanks, big unions, all. If you think your hurting now. What about most of the youthful workforce now, screwed from your greedy past. Good luck on liberal (tax money) retraining, and those job bank postings, eh!

The dollar left to itself, without smothered red tape, and today’s freebies for everyone finds and rewards good workers, ends sloth, creates productivity, ingenuity, competition for great education, and results in a great future for families and nations.

Believe and dream all you want and follow your deep pocket leaders, but the dollar has a ‘reality’ all its own that only needs to be understood because it is always predictable, always indifferent, and only misused in greed, and political schemes by those who also understand human nature enough.

Nobody has to feel sorry for anyone, if workers just smarten up, recognize and demand good government and logical sound economic policy for the worker and investors. You were lied to, for over 70 years of literal Marxist and liberal flake… control. Face it, change it, get over it. Think about your kids for once instead of like your parents and their parents did (and did pretty well by the pretend heady start of Marxism).

Turn to God, logic and truth not any weak or woefully inadequate man.

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